HRPP Newsletter | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

HRPP Newsletter

The UW Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) distributes a newsletter that aims to inform members of the research community on issues relating to human research protections. This newsletter combines updates from key components of UW's HRPP, including the IRBs, ARROW, compliance, RELIANT, and the IRB Efficiency Project (IEP).

The HRPP newsletter is distributed to all principal investigators and points of contact that are currently conducting human participants research as well as those who have joined the listserv. Instructions for joining the listserv can be found at the bottom of this page.

2025 Newsletters

Subscribing to the HRPP Newsletter: Please email if you would like to receive HRPP Newsletter notifications. Investigators and Points of Contact are encouraged to inform other key members of their study team(s) to join the listserv.