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University of Wisconsin–Madison

When you write, please cite University of Wisconsin–Madison

Make UW Publications Count in University Rankings

The count of publications from university scholars is a top factor in major national and international rankings of research universities, and contributes to prestige and institutional recognition worldwide.

Many rankings use a methodology based on counts from computer-based searchers for an institution’s official name or a common variant.

As many as 60% of UW–Madison publications may be missed in publication counts for rankings because they do not include an official name or readily recognized variant.

To make sure publications are counted, use the institution’s official name or one of these variants:

  1. University of Wisconsin–Madison (official name)
  2. UW–Madison (variant)
  3. Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison (variant)

A study of publications by UW–Madison faculty showed that:

  • 38% of papers used one of the names listed above and would be sure to count.
  • 56% referenced the University of Wisconsin but did not specify Madison.
  • 4% did not reference the university at all, and included only a center or institute name.
  • More than 1,000 variants of this institution’s official name are in use for scholarly publications.

Examples of relevant rankings [UW–Madison rank]:

  • Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Rankings of World Universities [27th]
  • (London) Times Higher Ed World University Rankings [43rd]
  • QS World University Rankings [56th]
  • Center for World Universities Rankings (CWUR) [25th]

Contact: Jocelyn Milner, Vice Provost and Director, Academic Planning and Institutional Research,,

Please download the citation handout prepared by the Office of Academic Planning and Institutional Research to share with those who need to know.