HRPP Newsletter October 2022
Retirement of IRB KB Sites
The ED/SBS and HS IRBs KnowledgeBase (KB) pages will be retired over the remainder of the year. Information from those sites has been relocated to the new, streamlined IRB website. Much of the old guidance has been collated into the Investigator Manual, a comprehensive guide to the IRB review process and investigator responsibilities, and the Reliance Manual, a guide to collaborative research and single IRB review. The two manuals have been recently reformatted for improved access.
AAHRPP Reaccreditation Update
During the September meeting of the AAHRPP Council on Accreditation, UW-Madison was awarded full accreditation status. AAHRPP accreditation represents that UW-Madison’s human research protection program meets rigorous standards for quality and protection. Thank you to everyone who assisted with the reaccreditation process and to everyone involved in maintaining a high-quality program!
Educational Opportunities
IRB for Beginners —10/26, 2:00 – 3:00pm, virtual
This workshop offers an overview of the IRB process and review procedures, including information on required training, steps to completing and submitting an IRB application with supporting documents, resources you can consult for more information, the IRB’s overall review process, and some tips and tricks to avoid delays in approval. Intended Audience: Individuals new to the IRB process
HIPAA Through the Life of a Study — 11/16, 11:00-12:30, virtual
This course will cover a variety of considerations regarding HIPAA throughout the life of a study including but not limited to certification for activities preparatory to research, approved tools for exchanging and storing PHI, data classification, de-identification of data and data sharing. There will also be time for Q&A. Registrants are encouraged to submit questions for the presenters prior to the event.
Consent Process & Documentation Essentials – on-demand training video
A new on-demand training video has been added to the PREP webpage. This video covers consent process and documentation basics, with tips and reminders to improve consent compliance. The training runs approximately 7 minutes.