HRPP Newsletter – July 2024
ARROW/Click 10 Update
Reminder that ARROW will be undergoing an upgrade on August 10th. This upgrade includes changes to navigation of the application and reviewer notes. We will have dedicated virtual office hours (no registration required) and a presentation (registration required) related to these updates. Please see dates and times below.
Offices Hours: Thursday, July 25th and Thursday, August 22nd, 12-1pm. You can log in to the Zoom session here.
Presentation: Wednesday, August 14th at 10:00 am. Register for this date here.
ARROW update: UROC operational feasibility
After July 1, 2024, all prospective, non-Oncology studies that require UW Health facilities, staff, equipment, procedures and/or patients or takes place in any SMPH space involving human subjects must obtain review and approval from the UW Health/SMPH Research Operations Committee (UROC).
Beginning on July 28, 2024, a UROC page will replace the SMPH feasibility page in ARROW and will include questions to determine if UROC review is required. If so, study teams must upload the UROC Endorsement Letter to submit to the IRB. SMPH feasibility forms will no longer be required for submission to the IRB.
Refer to UROC FAQ for more information about UROC and the review process.
Only tracked changes and comments that have been made since the most recent approval should be included in updated documents. When updating documents, please accept all previously approved tracked changes and delete all comments in study documents before making new changes. If tracked changes or comments related to prior changes are included in study documents, the IRB reviewer may need to send the study back to you before they can review the change of protocol.