Human Subjects Protections Training | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Human Subjects Protections Training

All personnel conducting research involving human subjects approved by a UW-Madison IRB must complete human subjects protections (HSP) training every three years. See the appropriate section below for more information regarding satisfying this requirement.

UW-Madison Personnel (includes UW Health and Madison VA personnel)

HSP training is provided through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program. Personnel (with the exception of personnel listed on VA research studies) should complete and maintain the UW Human Subjects Protections Course (though the VA Human Subjects Protection Course will also satisfy this requirement).

  • Note: If you previously completed the UW Biomedical Course or UW Social & Behavioral Course, you do not need to complete the UW Human Subjects Protections Course until your UW Biomedical Course or UW Social & Behavioral Course expires.

Personnel listed on VA research studies must complete the VA Human Subjects Protection course in order to satisfy HSP training requirements. To access this course, you must affiliate with “Madison VA Hospital – 607.” For information about VA training, contact

See instructions for completing HSP training via CITI.

External Personnel

When external personnel are or will be listed on a research study approved by a UW-Madison IRB (e.g. personnel from outside institutions, community members, school district representatives, etc.), the UW PI is responsible for ensuring that those external personnel complete and maintain current HSP training.

  • For external personnel with pre-existing HSP training, the UW study team should maintain record of these trainings and ensure they remain current for the duration of the external personnel’s involvement in the research.
  • For external personnel who do not have existing HSP training, the UW study team can provide those external personnel with the options listed on the Training Options for External Personnel page.