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University of Wisconsin–Madison

Resilience, recognition and ritual: Human engagement with disease, death and dying

This initiative advances understanding of human engagement with disease, death and dying, in order to discover commonalities and create new systems that support a more resilient and equitable world.

Integrating researchers from the arts, humanities, biological sciences, physical sciences and social sciences, this initiative studies the interconnections between physical and cultural aspects of death within contexts of massive ecological and social disruption. Death is not only about the cessation of biological functions; it is also about social change and life’s value. The team’s vision is to create a blueprint for how societies mobilize to handle eco-social crises during times of rapid change.


Amy Stambach, professor of anthropology



John Hawks, professor of anthropology

Nam C. Kim, professor of anthropology

Claire Wendland, professor of anthropology and obstetrics and gynecology



Tony L. Golberg, professor pathobiological sciences

John Hitchcock, professor of art

Richard C. Keller, professor of history and medical history

Shaun Marcott, associate professor of geoscience

Tracy Schroepfer, professor of social work