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University of Wisconsin–Madison

Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship Administration 2019-20

WDGF Transition

Beginning in Fiscal Year 18 (July 1, 2017) WDGF accounts will be undergoing a transition.  The original role of WARF in this program was to provide matching funds for the initial 10 years, and FY18 will mark the 20th year since the program was established; we have gone well beyond the horizon of the match.  WARF has offered some funding through Fiscal Year 2022 to provide a soft landing, and accounts will be handled as described below through a transition period.  Please also note that the flexible fund portion of the fellowship has been eliminated effective July 1, 2017.

WDGF accounts have been divided into two categories:

Accounts for which donor agreements stipulate supplemental funds on an on-going basis:

These accounts will be referred to as UWF managed WDGF accounts.
These accounts will receive supplemental funds from UWF starting as of July 1, 2017.  Information regarding management of these accounts will be available on the WDGF tab within the Fund Information view in the UWF Advancement Resources tool soon.

Accounts for which there are no donor agreements stipulating an on-going match:

These accounts will be referred to as Graduate School managed WDGF accounts.
Graduate School managed WDGFs continue to receive matching funds from WARF through June 30, 2022.  After that date,  these accounts will be released from the program and departments may use the UWF accoutns to support fellowships as earnings allow.  The process for matching these awards through June of 2022 will remain the same as in the past.  Please see below for information related to using these accounts for fellowships starting in FY18.

A complete list of accounts identified as UWF-managed or Graduate School-managed can be found here.

2019-20 Fellowship Rates & Total Cost of Fellowship

Academic: $22,091

Non-Dissertator Dissertator
Academic Stipend $22,091 $22,091
Fringe Benefits Estimated $4,639 $4,639
Estimated Tuition $12,010 $3,368
Total $38,740 $30,098

Annual: $27,000

Non-Dissertator Dissertator
Annual Stipend $27,000 $27,000
Fringe Benefits Estimated $5,670 $5,670
Estimated Tuition $15,006 $5,022
Total $46,676 $37,692

Links to Past WDGF Fellowship Rates

Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship Administration 2018-19

Helpful Hints

  • Use only Account Code 5712 for payrolling annual fellows and use only Account Code 5732 for payrolling academic fellows. Use Program 9 for all payroll transactions.
  • Do not use Account Codes 2710 and 2714 for payrolling fellows.
  • Use only Account Code 5713 and Program 9 for tuition payments.
  • Download the appropriate Fellowship Tuition Remission Authorization Form.

Waiver of Out-of-State Portion of Tuition

Non-residents of Wisconsin who are appointed as Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellows are eligible for a remission of the out-of-state portion of tuition and fees. Each semester, the appointing department must initiate a request to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (VCRGE) for this remission. Download the appropriate Fellowship Tuition Remission Authorization Form. Submit completed forms directly to the Bursar's Office secure website.

Third-Party Deferral of In-State Tuition and Segregated Fees

In-State tuition and fees should be charged directly to the Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowships accounts. One-half of each semester's in-state tuition and segregated fees should be deferred to the Department's 233 account and the other half to the Office of the VCRGE's 135 account. Each semester, the appointing department must send a memo or e-mail the Bursar's Office to arrange this deferral. This request does not go through the Office of the VCRGE. Please refer to the Bursar's 3rd Party Deferral Policy Bursar's 3rd Party Deferral Policy for the information to send when making this request. Once the deferral is set up, the Bursar's Office will send the Fellow's invoice for tuition and segregated fees to the department contact for payment. Put both the department's 233 and the VCRGE's 135 account coding on the invoice and send it to Accounting Services for payment.

Additional Guidelines

  • Fellows are eligible for health insurance. Contact your department's fringe benefits counselor for more information.
  • During their fellowship, fellows must register for and maintain a minimum of eight graduate credits each semester (courses 300 or above), and a minimum of two credits during the eight week summer session. Dissertators are required to register for three dissertator credits each term including the eight week summer session. It is the responsibility of the department to verify that your fellows are fully registered.
  • Graduate School Managed WDGFs must be split evenly between UW Foundation funds (233) and VCRGE funds (135).  UWF Managed WDGFs must be paid entirely on the UW Foundation (233) account.
  • Sending out appointment letters to the fellows is a responsibility of the department.
  • It is the responsibility of each department to monitor the amount available at the UW Foundation in their WDGF accounts. This is necessary to determine how often a department may offer a fellowship.


Questions concerning any aspect of the Wisconsin Distinguished Fellowship Program should be directed to the appropriate contact for your school or college.


School/College Contact Email Phone
School of Business Jonathan Wolf 890-1945
CALS Alex Nelson 890-0178
School of Education Mary Condon 262-4918
College of Engineering Lori Snyder 262-4081
Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Jessica Wipperfurth 265-6931
Nelson Institute Lynn West 262-6435
College of Letters & Science Ben Ball 265-1170
Medical School Ken Mount 263-4938
School of Nursing Padmini Prashanth 263-5159
School of Pharmacy Adam Whitehorse 262-9984
School of Vet. Medicine Ed Rodriguez 263-3350
Campus Contact Petra Schroeder 262-1044
UW Foundation Contact Help Desk