Critical Continuation and Expansion of Cell Sorting Services on Campus | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Critical Continuation and Expansion of Cell Sorting Services on Campus


A new cell sorter will provide greater efficiency to researchers, allowing them to sort and purify cellular subpopulations using less starting material and to leverage the additional fluorescence and image channels to better identify the cellular subpopulations and cell states required for further downstream analyses and assays. Cell sorters are used for the isolation of primary cells from patient and animal tissues, immune cell subsets and even cultured mammalian and non-mammalian cells. Once sorted, the cells are used for various downstream experiments, such as identifying responses to various biological stimuli or monitoring cancer cells’ susceptibility to anti-cancer drugs.

The Flow Cytometry Laboratory is the primary resource available to biomedical researchers on campus for all their flow cell sorting and flow cytometry experiments.



Manish Patankar, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and Flow Cytometry Laboratory faculty leader


Dagna Sheerar, flow cytometry director


UW Carbone Cancer Center Flow Cytometry Laboratory