HRPP Newsletter – October 2024 | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

HRPP Newsletter – October 2024

Relying Site Delegation Logs No Longer Required in ARROW

When a UW Madison IRB is serving as the IRB of Record for external relying sites, relying site delegation logs no longer need to be provided to the UW IRB via ARROW. Following this weekend’s ARROW update, ARROW will instead ask for the name of each relying site’s Principal Investigator.

Since standard reliance agreements dictate that relying sites are responsible for tracking their own personnel, the UW IRB acting as the reviewing IRB does not also need to track this information. We hope this change will reduce the start-up burden for teams conducting multi-site research where UW is the IRB of Record.

For existing applications, no action is needed currently. When (if) you submit your next Change of Protocol, the delegation log question will be hidden and you will be required to name a Principal Investigator for each relying site. Questions about this change can be submitted to

Conflict of Interest for Relying Sites

The Non-Protocol-Based and Protocol-Based Applications will be updated in ARROW to allow for easier collection of conflict of interest (COI) information. As part of the delegation log change described above, study teams will also be required to answer a COI question related to each relying site and upload any relevant management plans from relying site personnel for the IRB to consider. This COI question was copied over from the Single IRB Application to ensure we are collecting this information consistently across application types.

Reminder for Working with Staff Reviewer Comments

When working with staff reviewer comments in the application or in study documents, if the study team is unsure how to properly address a staff reviewer comment or has a follow-up question, please feel free to contact the assigned staff reviewer via email. This may facilitate the review process and prevent multiple rounds of comments in ARROW. If you have a question or concern that is not directly related to an item under review or it has not been assigned to a staff reviewer yet, please email AsktheIRB or leave a message for the staff reviewer on call at 608-263-2362.

IRB for Beginners Workshop

10/24, 10-11am, Online (for login information, email

This workshop offers an overview of the IRB process and review procedures, including information on required training, steps to completing and submitting an IRB application with supporting documents, resources you can consult for more information, the IRB’s overall review process, and some tips and tricks to avoid delays in approval.

 Updating Personnel

If you are updating your project to add or remove people from the list of key personnel, please use our self-service tool, “Update Personnel.” These should not be submitted as stand-alone changes to the IRB; submitting them as changes will lead to longer review times.

Uploading Revised Documents

Please use “Upload Revision” instead of deleting and then adding files that are revisions to existing documents.  When you revise a document in ARROW, please use the “Upload Revision” button to attach the copy with tracked changes for IRB review. Next to the study title, click on the 3 dots to see the option to upload, “Upload Revision,” as shown below.



Previous editions of the HRPP Newsletter can be found here.