HRPP Newsletter April 2023 | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

HRPP Newsletter April 2023

New Form for DoIT Email Recruitment Services 

The UW, as part of its mission as a research institution, allows campus-affiliated researchers to use email to send its faculty, staff, and students information about research subject participation opportunities.  Changes have been made to the request form and lead-time required to use this service.  Please see a description of the services and changes here. 

Education Opportunities 

  • The Professional Research Education Program (PREP) webpage has been revised for easier navigation. Recordings of past courses are now grouped by topic, including consent, recruitment, DEI, confidentiality/HIPAA, study conduct & coordination, and IRB submissions.    

Updated Stigmatizing Studies Guidance in UConnect 

UConnect includes guidance on what studies should be flagged as stigmatizing in Oncore, and the process for doing so.  Flagging a study as stigmatizing in Oncore limits the type of information about the study that is placed in a subject’s medical record.  This guidance has been expanded to now include studies where the IRB has waived parental consent because the minor subject population is one where parental consent is not a reasonable requirement to protect subjects (e.g., abused or neglected children) or where parental consent is not required because minors have a right under state law to consent for themselves to the treatment or procedures involved in the research.  Please log in to UConnect to access updated guidance. 

Previous editions of the HRPP Newsletter can be found here.