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University of Wisconsin–Madison


New Researcher Process:

  1. Complete the Animal User Orientation.
  2. Contact the IACUC office for PI access to the ARROW protocol system.
  3. A RARC trainer will contact the PI to schedule a Meet and Greet meeting.  This will include a trainer, veterinarian, facility manager, and animal safety representative.  This visit introduces the PI to the protocol process, facility questions, training requirements, and general resources.
  4. Once the protocol is pending review/approval, training specific requirements will be emailed to the PI.

Helpful Links

Protocol Overview

What All PIs Need to Know About Animal Protocols

ARROW Overview

Submitting a Protocol in ARROW


Facilities Access and Animal Ordering


Investigators may request termination of a protocol before or on its expiration date if work with live vertebrate animals under the protocol has ended or will end and no animals are/will be assigned to the protocol. To terminate a paper protocol, the PI should email the request with an end date to the RARC IACUC office. To terminate an  protocol, log into ARROW, navigate to the protocol workspace and click on the "terminate" activity button.

Diane Johnson: 265-3989,

Debbie Morris: 262-7109,

If the protocol is not terminated before the expiration date, and if no renewal application has been received by RARC, a protocol will end on its expiration date.Whether a protocol ends early or on its expiration date, RARC sends a notice of its termination to the investigator, department chairperson, attending veterinarian of the relevant IACUC, and the manager of the animal facilities listed on the protocol.

Login to My Profile

Protocol Personnel Training and Experience Management in My Profile

Study team members and other protocol personnel (writers and contacts) will be added to protocols through the ARROW system by a PI or protocol writer.

However, all personnel must enter and maintain their own education and experience under My Profile on RARC’s website. Education and experience cannot be added in ARROWRARC classes that have been completed are automatically listed in the profile.

Individuals must complete RARC's Animal User Orientation class and then wait 24 hours before they can be added to a protocol. Visit our Training section for more information.

Protocol reviewers will assess whether an individual has the required qualifications to perform particular procedures on certain species. Individuals should update My Profile after learning a new procedure to facilitate efficient protocol review.

To Enter and Change Education, Experience, and Phones

  • Log into RARC’s website with NetID and password. (
  • Click the My Profile tab.
  • Select Training Records and Phones.
  • Select Education, Experience by Species, or Phones, and click on the edit button. Work phone numbers cannot be changed or removed, but additional and preferred numbers can be added.
  • Check the education and experience examples for preferred format. Entries should be succinct.
  • Enter the appropriate information.
  • When finished, log off.