My Green Lab Freezer Challenge to help labs improve efficiency, safety and achieve cost savings | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

My Green Lab Freezer Challenge to help labs improve efficiency, safety and achieve cost savings

The Office of Sustainability is inviting campus labs to participate in the My Green Lab Freezer Challenge, a free program that helps labs improve energy efficiency, sample accessibility, safety, and cost savings through sustainable cold storage practices.
The Freezer Challenge runs now through July 1. 

For labs looking for a broader approach to sustainability, the Office of Sustainability also offers the My Green Lab Certification Program, which supports labs in reducing energy and water use, managing waste streams, making sustainable purchasing choices, and more. This program is also free for UW–Madison labs, with an annual registration deadline of Aug. 15.

Feel free to contact the Office of Sustainability Green Labs Team with any questions at