Acquisition of a Workhorse Single-Crystal X-ray Diffractometer in the Molecular Structure Laboratory that will Replace and Upgrade Two Older Diffractometers
The new single-crystal X-ray diffractometer will support a broad range of solid-state research. In addition to routine functionality, the diffractometer will provide new, highly needed capabilities for analyzing small crystals, modulated structures and highly absorbing compounds. This powerful instrument will allow rapid, publication-quality structural studies on a wider range of materials than is currently possible.
The Molecular Structure Laboratory is dedicated to small-molecule X-ray crystallography, providing modern capabilities for structural elucidation at the atomic level on crystalline and powder samples.
John Berry, professor of chemistry and director of the Paul Bender Chemistry Instrumentation Center
Ilia Guzei, distinguished scientist and director of crystallography and the Molecular Structure Laboratory
Molecular Structure Laboratory