Shout-Outs | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison


Congratulations to recent award recipients in our research community. This is not an exhaustive list but a few highlights. Includes some alumni.


Two UW–Madison have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences:

Francis Halzen, PI for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory and professor of physics

Grace Wahba,  honorary associate/fellow emeritus,Departments of Statistics and Computer Sciences


American Association for the Advancement of Science:

Jean-Michel Ane, professor of bacteriology

Vernon Barger, professor of physics

Katrina T. Forest, professor of bacteriology

Simon Gilroy, professor of botany

James Keck, professor of biomolecular chemistry

Sissel Schroeder, professor of anthropology

Brad Schwartz, professor of medicine

Jue “Jade” Wang, professor. of bacteriology


American Association of Geographers Fellow:

Song Gao, associate professor (with tenure) in GIScience, Department of Geography


Guggenheim Fellowship:

Beth Nguyen, professor of English and director of the master’s in fine arts program in creative writing


Shaw Early Career Research Award:

Monica Neugebauer, assistant professor of biochemistry


Chancellor’s Entrepreneurial Achievement Awards:

Mark Bakken

James Dahlberg

Dorri McWhorter


Cozzarelli Prize:

Jenna Nobles, professor of sociology


Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholar Award:

Yu (Kristy) Guo, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Waisman investigator Xinyu Zhao, PhD, professor of neuroscience