International and Areas Studies video series on library collections | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

International and Areas Studies video series on library collections

This summer, the International and Area Studies (IAS) Unit of UW-Madison’s General Library system has embarked on a video series project to showcase special elements of IAS collections in our libraries.

In response to limited library access during the pandemic, the IAS librarians have chosen to highlight facets of these distinctive collections in order to safely bring them to researchers, faculty, students, and community members.

The benefits of this video series, however, continue even as access to library materials opens up. Another purpose of the series is to exhibit and broadcast unique items that campus and community members may not know exist in our collections.

Each video features an extraordinary item or set of items in the IAS collections along with informed explanations by our IAS librarians.

The series was launched in July 2021 with the inaugural video featuring items from the Russo-Japanese Relations collection. A new video will be posted to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries YouTube channel every other week in a playlist created for this series.

To learn more, visit the Libraries’ news page. Please check the channel regularly and share this information within your networks.