Virtual BadgerConnect Research Services Fair November 9–13 | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Virtual BadgerConnect Research Services Fair November 9–13

Life science researchers across the UW–Madison campus are invited to attend (at no cost) the third BadgerConnect Research Services Fair, held virtually November 9–13, with a different one hour live session each day. FREE registration is open now!

Do you want to know more about research pipelines at UW, or gene edited animal models, the latest technology for imaging animal models, or building team science collaborations? Learn about this and much more at this year’s fair.

Attendees will have the opportunity to:

· discuss their research projects with more than 20 UW life science research services

· learn about cutting-edge technologies and latest products provided by the services and their industry partners

· find out how other UW researchers’ projects have been supported by the services

Features this year include:

A video library of core flashtalks and tutorials posted on the webpage

A live panel discussion on research pipelines, including a single cell genomics pipeline (Nov. 9) A talk by Dr. Dhanansayan Shanmuganayagam on genome-edited swine models for disease and therapeutics research (Nov. 10)

Webinars on team science (Nov. 11th) and the latest animal imaging technology coming to campus (Nov. 12)

A live networking reception via Zoom break-out rooms to culminate our event (Nov. 13)

Please visit the webpage for more details.

Geared to foster collaborations, this fair has multiple opportunities for life science researchers at all levels to network with the participating UW research services, their industry partners, and other researchers across campus.