Research Resources Reporter – Oct 2, 2018 | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Research Resources Reporter – Oct 2, 2018

Upcoming Event Reminders
October is a busy month for core-related events> VCRGE Search listening session (2 of 2)  |  TODAY Oct 2 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm in Union South
> UW Biotechnology Center Next-Gen Workshops  |  Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17, 2018
> Research Core First Financials Workshop  WAITLIST  |  Oct 9 & 23, 2018
>  Agilent LS/MS Sci-Dev Day (see below)  |  Oct 11, 2018
> UW-Madison Core Manager Summit  |  Oct 17, 2018
> WARF Innovation Day Quick Pitch Presentations |  Oct 17, 2018
> Hitachi Ion Mill demonstration (see below)  |  Oct 24, 2018
> Midwest Association of Core Directors (MWACD)  |  Oct 24 – 26, 2018
> UW-Madison Core Manager Grant Acknowledgement Workshop  |  Oct 31, 2018> SAVE THE DATE for an all-core campus convention  |  Mar 5, 2019
Register TODAY for Core Manager Summit Wed Oct 17, 2018
Core and shared facility managers to gather at Tripp Hall, Memorial Union. The Office of Campus Research Cores invites UW–Madison research core and shared facility managers to a core manager summit to discuss common concerns and opportunities on Wednesday, October 17, from 9:00 am – 11:00 am (with additional networking time) at Tripp Hall in Memorial Union.  Please register by October 2.Summit Goals
The goals of the gathering are to: (1) provide a networking platform for core managers to meet one another and explore the diversity and commonalities of research services on campus; (2) discuss challenges and share solutions for areas of concern; (3) provide foundational ideas and an organization for a spring campus-outreach event.The program will include small-group discussions focused on topics – a tentative list is here but additional topics can be proposed during registration and at the event:  Setting Rates, marketing and Outreach, Reservations and Scheduling, Staff Professional Development, Managing Research Data, Working with External Customers, Starting and Ending Services.Please Register TODAY and be Represented
Every core or shared resource included in the Directory of Resources for Researchers website should be represented. The summit will be most relevant to managers and operational leads, although faculty directors, staff and supporters are welcome. To plan for refreshments and information to share about your core,  please register TODAY (Oct 2).Contact Isabelle Girard with questions or suggestions.  We look forward to seeing you at the event!
Agilent LS/MS Sci-Dev Day on Oct 11, 2018
Off-campus event to advance understanding of LC/MS data and workflowsThis Agilent-hosted off-campus workshop will include presentations geared towards developing you as a scientist and accelerating your HPLC Expertise. This one-day event will also allow for networking and discussing your analytical questions & challenges with colleagues and specialists alike. Participants will learn:
– the role of mass spectrometry in method development
– optimization of mass spec performance
– data interpretation including: understanding adducts, charge states and fragmentation
– tips for troubleshooting mass spec applications
– employing mass spec in different workflowsThursday, October 11 from 8:30 am  –  1:30 pm
BioPharmaceutical Technology Center
5445 East Cheryl Parkway
Madison, WI 53711Lunch will be provided.  Parking is complimentary. Look for more information and register.
Hitachi Broad Beam Ion Mill Demo on Oct 24, 2018
Hitachi and Geosciences to host a demo of IM40000Plus high-speed millThe Hitachi IM4000 Ion Milling System was released in late 2010 as a device offering two key features: (a) as a hybrid ion-milling machine supporting both cross-section and flat milling—two widely used types of ion milling—the machine meets a wide variety of needs spanning the fields of material science and device engineering, and (b) the high-milling-rate ion gun of the IM4000, which allows the completion of ion-milling procedures in short periods of time.Informational sessions and demonstrations – with refreshments – will be hosted at the Geosciences Building.  For more information and scheduling, please contact Bob Passeri, Midwest Manager, Hitachi High Technologies – America < >.
Core Managers Grant Acknowledgement Workshop Oct 31, 2018
Encourage appropriate acknowledgement of your core facility or resourceAppropriate acknowledgement of research cores and their associated grants is critical. Research core and shared facility managers need reliable measures of impact to report to funders and improve UW-Madison competitiveness for future grants.  In this workshop for research core managers, you will learn about and create a plan to maximize the likelihood that researchers will adequately acknowledge your resource in their publications.Wednesday, October 31 from 10:00 – 11:00 am,
with individual consultations from 11:00 – 11:30 am
Biocommons, 1st floor, Steenbock Library (550 Babcock Dr)Please register here. Bring a laptop for hands-on work or request a loaner on the registration form.  This workshop is sponsored by the Office of Campus Research Cores, Research Data Services, and UW-Madison Libraries.
NSF Major Research Instrumentation internal due Nov 1, 2018
Limited submission applications due to OVCRGE for internal review The NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program serves to increase access to multi-user scientific and engineering instrumentation for research and research training in our Nation’s institutions of higher education and not-for-profit scientific/engineering research organizations. An MRI award supports the acquisition or development of a multi-user research instrument that is, in general, too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs.MRI provides support to acquire critical research instrumentation without which advances in fundamental science and engineering research may not otherwise occur. MRI also provides support to develop next-generation research instruments that open new opportunities to advance the frontiers in science and engineering research. Additionally, an MRI award is expected to enhance research training of students who will become the next generation of instrument users, designers and builders.Deadline for internal review is Thursday, November 1.
The OVCRGE Research Funding page has more information about the MRI and other internal competitionsApplications are submitted via FluidReview.
Director of UW Biotechnology Center applications due Oct 31, 2018
Open position for internal candidates for 50% Academic Program DirectorThe Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education is recruiting a new Director of the Biotechnology Center.  This position, which is a 50% Academic Program Director appointment, is posted as an internal vacancy and you will need your Net ID to access the PVL. Go to and click on “Internal” and then sign in with Net ID and password.  Applications are due October 31, 2018.The Biotechnology Center is a fee-for-service core facility committed to maximizing the benefits of biotechnology research within the University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin System, State of Wisconsin, and the nation. The center facilitates high quality, comprehensive, multidisciplinary research and supports, coordinates, disseminates, and advances biotechnology. The Director provides overall scientific leadership, strategic planning, oversight of finances and day-to-day management of all aspects of the Center.To be considered for the position, you must, among other requirements, have a faculty appointment and have a minimum of five years of demonstrated scientific leadership, organizing and coordinating large scale research efforts, managing a research based organization, or equivalent experiences.
data science HUB
Introducing the Data Science Hub!  The Data Science Hub empowers people to design and tackle data-rich research projects. The Data Science Hub exists to
● coordinate existing resources and expertise for a campus-wide data science strategy
● connect researchers and resources with each other
● collaborate to build community, develop new capacities, and pursue new lines of inquiryConnect via email to the Data Science facilitator ( or visit Hub Central in the Discovery Building during office hours (Wed 9:00 -11:00 & Thur 2:30-4:30).Sign up for regular emails from the Data Science Hub at this link.
New Toolkit from WINRS for Patient Advisors
New resource improves patient engagement in researchStakeholder engagement experts from the Wisconsin Network for Research Support (WINRS) at the University of Wisconsin – Madison created a new toolkit, Patient Advisor Toolkit 1: Orientation for Patient Advisory Committees (PAT-1), to help prepare patient advisors to provide useful advice and work effectively with research teams. The toolkit contains a comprehensive set of modifiable resources that provide step-by-step guidance on conducting orientations with patient advisors. It is designed for researchers who conduct clinical trials and want input from patient stakeholders to improve the design, implementation, and dissemination of their research. This toolkit is also useful for organizations who want to develop patient and family advisory councils or community advisory boards.Additional information can be found in the attached press release.  Researchers and organizations can contact WINRS for help tailoring the PAT-1 materials or to request a “train-the trainer” program for their staff. (
Get access to human tissue samples without an IRB-approved protocolIf you’re ready to expand your genetic and protein expression analyses to human tissues, but don’t know where to obtain these precious specimens WITHOUT an IRB-approved protocol, then the Translational Science Biocore (TSB) Biobank and Translational Research Initiatives in Pathology (TRIP) may be right for you! We are able to collect and store patients’ donated remnant surgical tissue, biopsy samples, autopsy samples and many other samples along with linked medical and outcomes data. We have both cancerous and non-cancerous tissues collected from all different types of organs. We also offer histological, imaging and molecular services, such as tissue staining, tissue microarray (TMA) creation and human cell line authentication, and equipment rental for all your histology/pathology needs.  This 2018 study in The American Journal of Pathology used both Biobank and TRIP services to establish a link between markers of inflammation, collagen organization and patient outcome using a TMA that included 371 patient-donated breast cancer samples. Please contact the Biobank or TRIP labs to help move your research forward!
FP&M Weekly Communication for Facility Managers
The Cone Zone provides updates about upcoming and ongoing work on campus

In August 2018, FP&M created a new weekly communication for facility managers about upcoming and ongoing work on campus, called The Cone Zone. This document includes the location, type of work, and contact information for projects that might affect the campus community.

FP&M relies on facility managers to keep the faculty, staff, students, and others in campus buildings informed about projects that affect them. The Cone Zone provides them the information they need and specific points of contact if they have questions or concerns. Core managers should contact their facility or building manager for more information.