Search for Arboretum Director Narrows
The search for the next director of the Arboretum is underway.

A pair of sandhill cranes stand in front of the Arboretum Visitor Center. (Photo by Althea Dotzour / UW–Madison)
The search and screen committee, led by Florence Hsia, UW–Madison associate vice chancellor for research in the arts and humanities, has selected four finalists. The PVL for the position is here: UW–Madison Arboretum Director PVL
The Arboretum is a global source of knowledge of and a model for restoring ecologically sustainable relationships between people and the land through integrative, innovative, and collaborative approaches in science, stewardship, education, and public engagement.
Finalist Public Presentations
Finalists will give their public presentations on the dates and times listed below. The presentations will be hybrid with an in person option to attend, as well as a Zoom option. The presentations will be video-recorded and made available here after the presentations for review and feedback. If you have trouble viewing the recordings, we recommend trying a different browser.
To provide feedback on one or more of the candidates, please complete this Form by June 24, 2024.
Candidate 1: Teresa Schueller, associate professor of biology, ecology and environmental science, UW–Milwaukee, and director, Waukesha Field Station
Presentation Title: “Growing from a Foundation of Strength: Expanding Access and Inclusion at the Arboretum”
9-10 a.m. Thursday, May 30 at Union South (see Today in the Union listing at the union for the room. Please note that this event might be moved to the Memorial Union. Watch this site for updates and check to confirm the location before the presentation.)
Candidate 2: Bradley Herrick, ecologist and research program manager, UW–Madison Arboretum
Presentation Title: “Legacies, Challenges, and Opportunities: Honoring the Past and Embracing the Future of the UW–Madison Arboretum”
10-11 a.m. Tuesday, June 11 at the Biotechnology Center Auditorium
Candidate 3: Patrick Bohlen, professor of biology, University of Central Florida
Presentation Title: “The Evolving Role of Arboretums in a Rapidly Changing World”
9-10 a.m. Friday, June 14 at the Biotechnology Center Auditorium
Candidate 4: Andrew Hipp, director of the herbarium and senior scientist, The Morton Arboretum, and lecturer, The University of Chicago
Presentation Title: “Research, Community, and The Land Ethic: Creating Common Ground at The Arboretum”
1:30-2:30 p.m. Monday, June 17 at Memorial Union(National Pan-Hellenic Council Room on the 2nd floor)