Agilent LS/MS Sci-Dev Day on Oct 11, 2018
Off-campus event to advance understanding of LC/MS data and workflows
This Agilent-hosted off-campus workshop will include presentations geared towards developing you as a scientist and accelerating your HPLC Expertise. This one-day event will also allow for networking and discussing your analytical questions & challenges with colleagues and specialists alike. Participants will learn:
– the role of mass spectrometry in method development
– optimization of mass spec performance
– data interpretation including: understanding adducts, charge states and fragmentation
– tips for troubleshooting mass spec applications
– employing mass spec in different workflows
Thursday, October 11 from 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
BioPharmaceutical Technology Center
5445 East Cheryl Parkway
Madison, WI 53711
Lunch will be provided. Parking is complimentary. Look for more information and register.