Research Policies
The Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education develops and implements campus-wide research policy for UW–Madison. The impressive size of the UW–Madison research enterprise contributes to the decentralization of many research activities and services. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education proposes standard policies to guide the campus as it responds to changes in regulations and to assist in the cultivation of successful research administration.
This page provides quick access to UW-Madison research compliance, protocol training, and data stewardship policies, including information needed to safely and efficiently close out laboratory activities. Links to additional Safety-related training, managed by Environmental, Health and Safety, Division of Facilities, Planning, and Management, is also provided for your convenience. To learn more, including links to policies and more information, visit the Research-Policy-Compliance-Responsibility-Matrix- 10-25-23.
Search research policy & compliance documents or click on the related area below.
Research-Policy-Compliance-Responsibility-Matrix- 10-25-23
For more information contact the Office of Research Compliance and Office of Research Policy and Integrity.
Academia-Industry Research
Institutional policies, procedures, definitions, and guidelines for establishing effective academic-industrial partnerships.
Animal Research
Animal program policies govern the use of animals in research, teaching, and outreach activities.
Collaborative Grant Expenditure Policy
Extramural research grant expenditures should be recorded in the department ID (UDDS) of the unit housing the research.
Data Security, Management and Retention
A large majority of research performed on campus generates data, procedures, observations, and other notes. Precautions should be taken to maximize security in using and storing data.
Data Transfer to Other Institutions
This policy provides for transfer of data if a researcher leaves UW-Madison, and assures that data is maintained and archived for a reasonable period, and available for review and use.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
This policy applies to UAS (drone) operations in both indoor and exterior spaces and in connection with UW–Madison activities, whether occurring within the United States or internationally.
Export Control
Each UW–Madison employee and student must determine how export controls might apply to their activities, and work cooperatively with the University management to ensure compliance.
Handling Research Data
Includes information to assist researchers in the appropriate management of their study data and provides tools and processes to ensure that data is protected and stored appropriately.
HIPAA Privacy and Security
UW–Madison is committed to protecting the privacy and security of health information, as mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Human Research Protection Program Policies
The HRPP maintains the human subjects research protection policies utilized by all UW-Madison Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and campus officials. Policies are reviewed by the Cross-Campus HRPP Committee and approved by the Institutional Official
Individual Development Plan (IDP) Policy and Resources
UW–Madison recommends IDPs for all postdoctoral researchers and graduate students, and requires IDPs for all postdoctoral researchers and graduate students supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding.
Intellectual Property
Policies, guidelines, PI obligations, forms, and information on patents, disclosing an invention and royalties.
Laboratory Closeout
Laboratory closeout checklist including research materials, laboratory space and equipment, university data and materials, access control, and human resources and administration.
Open and Free Interchange of Information
The university will not undertake research with restrictions on openness or academic freedom on its campus. Most research can be conducted in accord with this policy and the ideals of freedom of inquiry and open exchange of knowledge.
Outside Activities Reporting
All UW employees must fully disclose all outside activities related to their institutional responsibilities. Check here to report outside activities related to your institutional responsibilities in research, teaching or outreach.
OVCR policies procedures and process
Policies on Standard Operating Procedures and process for developing, reviewing, approving, amending and retiring policies.
Public Access Publication Policies
Most federal agencies require researchers to make final, peer-reviewed manuscripts publicly accessible as a condition of funding. Failure to meet these requirements could affect researchers’ awards now and in the future.
Research Ethics
The University has policies for reporting and dealing with research misconduct and several ways for you to learn more about research ethics.
Research Misconduct Reporting
This policy empowers and protects graduate students and postdoctoral fellows when they report adverse events occurring in the university workplace.
Research Safety Policies
Safety is a daily practice at UW-Madison. The department of Environmental Health and Safety oversees safety awareness and compliance at UW–Madison in everyday operations, making the university a model for safe research.
Research and Sponsored Programs
Research and Sponsored Programs provides guidance on polices related to management of extramural funds (financial policies).
Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee
Policies, guidelines, and resources.
Tangible Research Property Policy
Includes items produced in the course of conducting research at or under the auspices of UW-Madison, but does not include intellectual property.