June research shout-outs
Tim Donohue, professor of bacteriology and director of the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center and Wisconsin Energy Institute
Donohue has been invited to deliver “Unlock the Secrets of the Bioeconomy” at the American Society of Microbiology’s (ASM) Microbe 2024 on June 15.
In the newly published article of Microcosm, ASM’s flagship member magazine, “How the Bioeconomy Sustains People and the Planet,” Donohue shares how microbes, “the ultimate biochemists,” can transform biological waste products into sustainable resources, playing a critical role in shaping a biobased economy and the future of life on Earth.
Register online for the Microbe 2024 at https://asm.org/Events/ASM-Microbe/Registration/?utm_source=Informz&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=asm-microbe-2023&utm_content=standard-registration-closing&_zs=K2xpl&_zl=DH4x2.
Or hear from Donohue on the latest Meet the Microbiologist (MtM) Podcast: Trillion Dollar Microbes Make the Economy Go Round: https://asm.org/Podcasts/MTM/Episodes/Trillion-Dollar-Microbes-Make-the-Bioeconomy-Go-Ro?_zs=K2xpl&_zl=FH4x2
Kyle Cranmer, professor of physics and director of the Data Sciences Institute powered by American Family Insurance
Cranmer’s review paper on “Simulation-based Inference” was recently highlighted in a report (Meet Global Challenges Supercharging Research: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Meet Global Challenges) to the President from the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.
Learn more at Cranmer’s work that is highlighted: https://datascience.wisc.edu/2024/05/29/dsi-director-kyle-cranmers-work-highlighted-in-national-report-on-ai-in-science/