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University of Wisconsin–Madison

Revitalization of Workhorse Fluorescence Microscopes for High-Speed and High-Resolution Imaging


This project provides essential upgrades to several microscope systems available in the UW–Madison Optical Imaging Core (UWOIC). The UWOIC enables access for campus investigators to high resolution imaging with state-of-the-art acquisition speed and limited phototoxicity to live specimens. For additional details on these upgrades as they become available, visit

The UWOIC offers imaging services on six microscopy systems. Imaging techniques available through the core include standard epifluorescence microscopy, super resolution microscopy, long-term live cell imaging, two-photon/intravital microscopy, spinning disk confocal imaging, lightsheet imaging, fluorescence spectral detection, photoactivation/uncaging, FRAP and calcium imaging. Offline computers are available for all users to conduct basic image analysis.


Matthew Merrins, associate professor of medicine and scientific director of the UW–Madison Optical Imaging Core


Lance Rodenkirch, managing director of the UW–Madison Optical Imaging Core


UW–Madison Optical Imaging Core