Education Resources for Core and Shared Resource Managers
Articles and online courses to support business operations
Examples of approaches and challenges in core management:
Box AC, Park J, Semerad CL, Konnesky J, Haug JS. 2012. Cost accounting method for cytometry facilities. Cytometry Part A, 81(6):439-44. PMID:22499355. Box 2012 Cost accounting cytometry
Gibbs G, Clark S, Quinn JA, Gleeson MJ. 2010. Cost (Non)-Recovery by Platform Technology Facilities in the Bio21 Cluster. Journal of Biomolecular Techniques, 21(1): 29–34. PMCID: PMC2841993. Gibbs 2010 Cost non recovery
Haley, R. 2009. A Framework for Managing Core Facilities within the Research Enterprise. Journal of Biomolecular Techniques, 20(4): 226–230. PMCID: PMC2729482. Haley 2009 JBT Framework Managing Core Facilities
CYTO University offers many free online courses and webinars through ISAC (International Society for Advancement of Cytometry). Webinar content covers many broad topics that apply across cores and shared facilities, not just those in cytometry or life sciences. A webinar on rate setting is scheduled for Mon, Jan 15 at 11:00 am Central Time. Registration is free.
Directory of Resources for Researchers
Online searchable database for cores and shared resources
The Directory of Resources for Researchers website now includes listings for 92 cores and shared facilities and details for more than 800 resources and services. More than 4,000 unique users have visited the site since its launch in June 2017, with 30 – 300 users per typical weekday. Top destinations during fall semester (Sept – Dec 2017) included the UWCCC Flow Cytometry Laboratory, the Small Molecule Screening Facility, and the Social Science Computing Cooperative. Remember to periodically review the accuracy of listings and consider adding resources and services to improve search results.