Improving the Quality of Your Survey Research Data Collection | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Improving the Quality of Your Survey Research Data Collection

Tips from seasoned professionals of UW Survey Center on June 28, 2018
Survey Center Associate Director John Stevenson and Distinguished Scientist and Senior Survey Methodologist Dr. Jennifer Dykema will discuss the resources the center brings to campus, how to use these resources, and how to enhance your grant applications by adding their expertise.  At this session they will talk about what the Survey Center can add to your study by highlighting some best practices in new and prevailing survey research methods, how to develop instruments to collect high quality data, and more.This event will benefit investigators, scientists, and research staff. It will be geared toward survey research in the health sciences, but useful to any discipline that uses questionnaires to collect data.  This event is sponsored by the Community-Academic Partnerships Program.  No fee is charged but registration is required by June 14.