Core Management Software Demos June 14 (no vendors)
Thursday, June 14 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am in Bascom 260
A video demonstration event will provide snapshots of several core management software programs in use on campus or at peer institutions. Core management software allows users to manage reservations and service requests and to quickly generate invoices, billing files and usage reports. VENDORS WILL NOT BE PRESENT.
Attendees should feel free to come and go during the program. Attendees will have access to a Box folder with vendor videos but the campus-user feedback will not be recorded.
Each vendor has submitted a ~10-minute demonstration video, which will be followed by a 5-min in-person sharing of feedback and perspective from an experienced campus core manager.
9:00 Agilent / iLab Solutions [UWCCC & Biochemistry]
9:15 FOM / Facility Online Manager [Engineering Shared Facilities]
9:30 Idea Elan / Core Facility Management [UW Optical Imaging]
9:45 Table XI / NUCore [Northwestern University]
10:00 Prog4Biz / BookItLab [Newcomb Imaging Center]
10:15 Stratocore / PPMS [not on campus]
10:30 Third Wave / Lockbox LIMS [Biotechnology & WCIC in progress]
Please contact Isabelle Girard with questions.