Research Core Equipment Loan Program: Proposal Process and Requirements | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Research Core Equipment Loan Program: Proposal Process and Requirements

On this Page

  • Notice of Intent Requirements
  • Full Loan Proposal Requirements


Notice of Intent (Required Prior to Proposal)

A Notice of Intent allows OVCR and MBO to confirm the depreciation schedule for the proposed equipment, determine the appropriateness of the loan program for the request, and confirm whether sufficient funding is available. Submit an email containing the information below to Ryan Pingel at A Notice of Intent may be submitted at any time.

1. Core Facility Name
2. Core Director Name
3. Brief Description of Equipment Requested (The description must be sufficient for OVCR and MBO to determine the appropriate depreciation schedule for the equipment.)
4. Estimated Purchase Price
5. Estimated Loan Amount (The estimate provided in the Notice of Intent is not binding.)

Allow 5–10 business days for a response. If the request is appropriate for the program and sufficient loan funding is available, we will provide a cover sheet to be included with the full proposal and the depreciation schedule to be used for financial projections.


Full Loan Proposal (Accepted by Invitation Only)

Do not submit a full proposal without receiving an invitation following a Notice of Intent (see above). An invitation to submit a full proposal will include the current cover page template and confirmation of the depreciation schedule to be used for financial projections. After your proposal has been submitted and acknowledged, allow 4–6 weeks for review.

A complete loan proposal will consist of a single PDF including the following, in order:

1. Proposal Cover Sheet

  • A cover sheet will be provided as part of the full proposal invitation.
  • The cover sheet will require signatures from the core facility director and the facility’s school/college/division dean/director or a designee with authority to make financial commitments on behalf of the school/college/division.

2. Core Description and Administration (2 pages max)

  • Describe the research mission of the core and summarize its capabilities and services.
  • Describe the administrative and operational structure of the core.
  • Outline staffing including major responsibilities and expertise available to operate and maintain the requested equipment.
  • Identify administrative support provided at the unit, departmental, or college level.
  • Describe the structure and membership of the local advisory committee.
  • Outline the core’s short-term (1–2 years) and long-term (3+ years) goals or priorities.

3. Equipment (2 pages max)

  • Describe the equipment and its uses in a manner that can be understood by non-expert reviewers.
  • Describe how and why this specific vendor and model was selected.
  • Identify the sources and amounts of cost share for the equipment only. The total must agree with the proposal cover sheet (see section 1), and the amounts must be confirmed by letters of financial commitment (see section 10).
  • Describe the location where the equipment will be installed and operated.
  • If any renovations are necessary for installation, describe how the renovations will be funded and identify any potential impacts to the timing of the purchase or installation. Include a letter or email documenting the renovation funding commitment in the letters of financial commitment (see section 10).
  • Describe the plan for equipment maintenance and technical support.
  • Attach equipment quotation(s) as an appendix (see section 11).

4. Justification (2 pages max)

  • Justify the need for the equipment in a manner that can be understood by non-expert reviewers.
  • Assess comparable capabilities on campus. Is similar equipment available on campus? If so, why is that equipment unable to meet researchers’ needs?
  • How will researchers benefit from this resource, and how are their needs currently being met?
  • Why is a loan the most appropriate funding source?
  • Identify other extramural or intramural proposals that have been submitted for this equipment and indicate if this loan proposal is insurance for a grant proposal.
    • If grant proposals or loan requests have been declined, address the feedback provided by the sponsor and attach reviews as an appendix (see section 11).
    • If the loan proposal is insurance for a grant proposal, include the grant proposal, if complete, as an appendix (see section 11 and FAQs).

5. Usage (2 pages max)

  • Explain actual (when relevant) and projected usage in terms of practical capacity or limits.
  • Explain how the equipment will be promoted and made accessible to a broad user base.
  • Include a summary of actual (when relevant) and projected resource users, affiliations, and intensity of use for a meaningful period.
  • Note any anticipated changes (e.g., a new significant user or pending grant award).
  • Provide evidence of high usage by a wide and strong user base over a meaningful period through reservation records, service requests, or other appropriate documentation. Detailed user data may be attached as an appendix (see section 11).

6. Support of Funded Projects (3 pages max)

  • Describe the need to support major and minor users with this shared resource.
  • Provide up to 5 examples highlighting the role of the resource in advancing the work of extramurally funded projects.

7. Rate Calculations

  • Provide rate calculations for products/services associated with the proposed equipment and for all existing products/services.
  • Rate calculations for the proposed equipment must incorporate estimated loan repayments and maintenance costs.
  • See rate calculation templates and guidelines on the Resources page. The templates are optional if the format used meets all requirements.

8. Core Facility Financials

  • Provide a brief narrative explaining the full portfolio of support the core receives annually.
  • Provide fund 136 financial statements for the most recently completed fiscal year.
  • Provide the current year’s fund 136 budget and future budgets/projections to demonstrate the core’s ability to operate and maintain the equipment and repay the loan. Reviewers may request additional details if projections are not sufficient to inform a loan decision.
  • Explain any deficits and how those deficits will be resolved.
  • Explain any assumptions made in the financial projections, including how revenue for loan repayment and equipment maintenance will be generated (e.g., increased rates and/or increased usage). If relevant, strong applications will have letters of support from major users indicating support for increased rates or plans to increase usage.
  • See financial templates and guidelines on the Resources page. The templates are optional if the format used meets all requirements.

9. Letters of Support (5 letters max)

  • Provide up to 5 letters of support from key researchers.
  • Letters should help substantiate usage projections and confirm impact on research.

10. Letters of Financial Commitment

  • Include letters of commitment confirming the amount pledged from each source of cost share. Emails are acceptable.
  • If renovation is required to house the equipment, include a letter of commitment or other documentation from each renovation funding source if not already included in a cost share commitment letter.

11. Appendices

  • Equipment Quote(s) (required)
  • Detailed User Data (optional)
  • Grant Proposals for this Equipment (if available; see FAQs)
  • Reviews from Declined Proposals (if available)