Steenbock Professorships | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Steenbock Professorships

In the early 1980s, Mrs. Evelyn Steenbock initiated a program to endow a series of prestigious professorships in the natural sciences, in honor of her late husband Harry Steenbock, emeritus professor of Biochemistry. The income from those endowments supports research costs and/or released time for research of outstanding faculty nominated by UW–Madison departments or groups of three or more individual faculty. The final selection in each case is made by an expert selection committee from U.S. and Canadian universities. The initial award is for a period of ten years after which the selection committee will decide on the awardee for the ensuing ten years.

An endowed professorship may not be held at the same time as a Steenbock Professorship, however, it is acceptable to hold a WARF Professorship or other WARF-funded award.

Information on competitions for Professorship, nomination procedures and deadlines are  distributed to School/College research officers for distribution to Department Chairs and faculty as appropriate.

Current Steenbock Professors

Mathematics: Mikhail Feldman–until 06/30/2034

Physical Sciences: Mark Eriksson–until 06/30/2034

Nutrition: John Denu—until 6/30/2033

Engineering: Michael Graham–until 6/30/2030

Chemical Sciences: Shannon Stahl–until 6/30/2028

Microbiological Sciences: Paul Ahlquist—until 6/30/2026

Behavioral & Neural Sciences: Su-Chun Zhang—until 6/30/2025

Biological Sciences: Anthony Ives—until 6/30/2025