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University of Wisconsin–Madison

Research Knowledge Base

Conflict of Interest Training Course

This document describes the conflict of interest training that is offered by the university.

Online Conflict of Interest Training Access

Effective August 24, 2012, the University of Wisconsin–Madison Conflict of Interest Policy requires all investigators engaged in federally funded and/or human subjects research to receive training in financial conflict of interest. This conflict of interest training must be completed every four years. The training is offered through Canvas at Learn@UW. You will need to self-register for the training course.

Sub-recipient investigators on a UW–Madison PHS award must also take UW–Madison COI training if the sub-recipient has agreed to comply with UW–Madison COI policy. Sub-recipient investigators who must take UW–Madison training must obtain a UW–Madison NetID to access the training. To obtain your NetID, please email the COI Program at with your request. The COI Office will email you with a link and instructions for activating your NetID. The email will also include instructions for accessing the Outside Activities Report (OAR) system for required disclosure of outside financial interests and for accessing Learn@UW for COI training.

Instructions for self-registration

  1. If you have not previously registered for the course, please login using your UW–Madison NetID and directly register for the course here:

    Step 1

    Step 2

Instructions for navigating and completing the training

  1. Starting from the course "Home" page, click on "Pages" from the menu on the left side of the screen. Please use the Next arrow in the lower right corner of the first page to advance the training.

  2. When you have completed all the pages, Click "Quizzes" on the menu bar at the left hand side of the browser take the 10 question Conflict of Interest Quiz (you need at least a 70% to qualify for a passing grade).

  3. Your quiz will be graded immediately and you can review your answers.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:


Keywords: COI, online training, conflict of interest, training course, coi training