Eligibility Criteria for Primary and Secondary Faculty Mentors | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Eligibility Criteria for Primary and Secondary Faculty Mentors

Mentors must:

  • Be a UW–Madison tenure-track faculty member or have permanent PI status.
  • Be a primary or secondary mentor on only one proposal.
  • Not be the candidate’s PhD or terminal degree advisor.
  • Not be the candidate’s current postdoctoral advisor.
  • Submit a joint mentoring plan based on the candidate’s individual development plan (IDP). For more information: https://postdoc.wisc.edu/careers/idp/
  • Attend an orientation session to learn more about the program and the review criteria for the year two renewal. Both the primary and secondary mentors must attend.
  • Agree to review future applications for this initiative.
  • Complete a research mentoring training course before the Fellow’s start date. Both the primary and secondary mentors must complete such a course. An example: https://wiscience.wisc.edu/faculty-staff/advancing-research-mentoring-practice/
  • Both the primary and secondary mentors must complete UW–Madison Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) course in Canvas.
  • For faculty in fields with a tradition of postdoctoral training: Have experience training postdoctoral scholars and provide a list of postdoctoral mentees in the Experience Mentoring Postdoctoral Trainee form. If the nominating faculty member does not have the required postdoctoral training experience, they must include a secondary mentor who has mentored at least three postdoctoral scholars.
  • For faculty in fields for which postdoctoral training is new: Have experience training doctoral/MFA students and provide a list of terminal degree mentees in the form provided for providing evidence of postdoctoral training experience. If the nominating faculty member does not have the required doctoral/MFA training experience they must include a secondary mentor who has mentored at least three doctoral/MFA students.