Data Storage
- Research Drive: Provides secure, shareable storage space on the UW–Madison campus network. ResearchDrive is a university-wide file storage solution for faculty PIs, permanent PIs, and their research group members. It is suited for a variety of research purposes, including backup, archive, storage for data inputs/outputs of research computing and others. It is a secure and permanent place for keeping data. (Resource provided by the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) Research Cyberinfrastructure)
- Research Object Storage (S3): Provides secure, shareable storage space on UW-Madison’s on-premise S3 object storage system for faculty PIs, permanent PIs, and their research group members. It is suited for long term archival storage, back up, integration with instruments and computing resources, and hosting static web content. (Resource provided by DoIT Research Cyberinfrastructure).
Accessing or managing licensed or protected data:
Many researchers need access to data that require data use agreements. Researchers can work with Research and Sponsored Program to secure data transfer and use agreements. In addition, the Social Science Research Services, the IT staff in the School of Medicine and Public Health as well as the Wisconsin School of Business often provide guidance on these topics.
Long-term data archival:
- Research Data Services (RDS) is a no-cost resource for anyone on the UW-Madison campus that provides consultations, best practice information, and education and training on research data management and sharing. They help researchers comply with federal public access requirements and help make your data citable, reproducible, and publicly accessible.
- UW-Madison has a membership to Dryad. You can deposit up to 300GB of research data per deposit at no cost via UW-Madison’s membership. Dryad is an open-access, generalist data repository with a number of benefits including minimal curation, publisher integrations, and deposited code and scripts being automatically preserved in Zenodo. Learn more and create your account.
- MINDS@UW is UW’s open access long-term institutional repository for sharing and archiving scholarly outputs such as data, manuscripts, technical reports, conference proceedings, etc. It is available to UW-Madison researchers at no-cost currently and can support sharing of datasets over 300GB.
Data security:
Risk Management and Compliance: Services and resources provided by the Office of Cybersecurity.