Simons Investigators in the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems 2018 | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Simons Investigators in the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems 2018

To:Chairs and Administrators; Departments in the Physical and Biological Sciences; Associate Deans for Research; School/College Research Administrators
From:Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Education
Date:July 14, 2017
Subject:Simons Investigators in the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems 2018


Deadline for Internal Review:August 28, 2017

Project Description

New approaches in mathematically based modeling are making increasingly important contributions to the life sciences. The MMLS program aims to support such approaches and foster a scientific culture of theory-experiment collaborations similar to that prevailing in the physical sciences. To encourage young researchers to pursue this endeavor, the MMLS program will provide a long-term, stable base of support, enabling a focus on model-based approaches to important issues in the life sciences.
A broad spectrum of research areas within the life sciences will be considered, ranging from cellular-level issues of organization, regulation, signaling and morphogenic dynamics to the properties of organisms and ecology, as well as neuroscience and evolution; however, preference will be given to areas in which modeling approaches are less established and, for this reason, bioinformatics- and genomics-related proposals fall outside the scope of the program. In all cases, preference will be given to work that relates closely to experiment, developing mathematical models that can explain data, suggest new classes of experiments and introduce important, new concepts.
Basis for Awards: The intent of the program is to help launch the research careers of outstanding scientists in the early stages of their research career. Nominees to the program should be within the first eight years of their first faculty appointments. Nominations will be evaluated on the basis of nominees’ potential for scientific accomplishments.

Amount per Award: $100,000 per year in research support
Duration of Award: 5 Years
Number of Awards:  In 2018, the Foundation expects to appoint up to 7 Simons Investigators in MMLS

MMLS Program Announcement


To be eligible to be nominated for a Simons Investigator in MMLS award, a scientist must be engaged in research related to the MMLS program and must not previously have been a Simons Investigator. He/she must have a primary appointment as a faculty member at an educational institution in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, or Ireland, on a campus within these countries, and the primary department affiliation must have a Ph.D. program. At the time of appointment, an Investigator should be in the early stages of an academic career and must be within eight years of the start of his/her first faculty position.

UW-Madison may submit two nominations to the MMLS Investigator program


Internal Competition Application Instructions

Applications for Internal Review

To submit your application, follow this link:

  • Nomination letter (two-page limit) written and signed by the nominator (a relevant university official, for example, a department chair or dean) on letterhead, explaining the distinctive scientific contributions of the nominee and including discussion of a few important papers.
  • The nominee’s curriculum vitae, including email address, Ph.D. year, institution, advisor, postdoctoral institutions and advisors, positions held subsequent to award of doctorate and the nominee’s up-to-date publication list.
  • A list of postdoctoral fellows and Ph.D. students supervised by or currently under the supervision of the nominee.
  • A research statement prepared by the nominee that outlines the nominee’s research vision and plans. (Two-page limit; references and figures do not need to be included in the page limit but should not exceed an additional page.)

Sponsor Deadlines

Applications are due to Simons Foundation by October 31, 2017.

