Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences 2017 | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences 2017

To:Chairs and Administrators; Departments in the Biological Sciences; Associate Deans for Research; College/School Research Administrators
From:Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Education
Date:April 25, 2016
Subject:Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences 2017


Deadline for Internal Review:May 31, 2016

Project Description

The Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. The program makes grants to selected academic institutions to support the independent research of outstanding individuals who are in their first few years of their appointment at the assistant professor level.

Amount per Award: $240,000 ($60,000 per year)
Duration of Award: 4 Years
Number of Awards: 22 Awards made in 2015


Candidates must have been awarded a doctorate in biomedical sciences, medicine or a related field.

As of November 1, 2016, nominees must hold full-time appointments at the rank of assistant professor. (Appointments such as Research Assistant Professor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor Research Track, Visiting Professor or Instructor are not eligible.)

On July 15, 2016, candidates must have been in such an appointment for less than three years (not appointed before July 15, 2013), whether or not such an appointment was on a tenure track. Time spent in clinical internships, residencies, or in work toward board certification does not count as part of this three-year limit

Candidates may be nominated by their institution two times in total.

UW-Madison is allowed to submit one nomination.


Internal Competition Application Instructions

Applications for Internal Review

To submit your application, follow this link:

  • Cover Page
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research Project Summary (4 pages)
  • Letter of Support from Chair or Center Director

For the project selected, the Nomination will be submitted by the Internal Review Committee using Pew website


Sponsor Deadlines

Letters of Intent are due to Pew Scholars Program by July 15, 2016. Applications are due to Pew Scholars Program by November 01, 2016.

