NSF Quantum Sensing Challenges for Transformational Advances in Quantum Systems (QuSeC-TAQS) 2023 | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

NSF Quantum Sensing Challenges for Transformational Advances in Quantum Systems (QuSeC-TAQS) 2023

To:Chairs and Administrators, Departments in the Biological, Physical, & Social Sciences; Associate Deans for Research; College/School Research Administrators
From:Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Education
Date:October 06, 2022
Subject:NSF Quantum Sensing Challenges for Transformational Advances in Quantum Systems (QuSeC-TAQS) 2023


Deadline for Internal Review:October 21, 2022

Project Description

The National Quantum Initiative (NQI) Act calls for a coordinated Federal program to accelerate quantum information science (QIS) and technology research in the United States. A framework for implementing the NQI provided in the National Strategic Overview for QIS, and additional reports from the Subcommittee augment the Strategic Overview with more detailed recommendations on specific topics. In particular, Bringing Quantum Sensors to Fruition recommends deliberate collaborations to combine fundamental and applied research on quantum sensors. In alignment with this strategy, the Quantum Sensing Challenges for Transformational Advances in Quantum Systems (QuSeC-TAQS) program will support interdisciplinary teams to explore highly innovative, original, and potentially transformative research on quantum sensing. The QuSeC-TAQS program encourages coordinated efforts to develop and translate ideas for quantum sensors into tangible quantum systems that can benefit society.

QuSeC-TAQS proposals should have the potential to deliver new concepts, new platforms, and/or new approaches to implement and utilize quantum sensors. Proposals must articulate how the project will develop quantum sensing systems that address a particular need, and can demonstrate improved capabilities or performance compared to classical systems. Proposals should be innovative, must focus on quantum functionality, and should result in experimental demonstrations.

Proposals should come from interdisciplinary research teams led by at least three (3) investigators who collectively contribute synergistic expertise from domains such as engineering, computer science, mathematical and physical sciences, biology, or geoscience. This requirement is intended to stimulate collaborations and grow the community of researchers who develop, co-design, and utilize quantum sensors. Some areas where quantum sensors might be applied include, but are not limited to chemical, material, biological, and health sciences, navigation, security, and remote sensing, astronomy, fundamental physics, and the advancement of quantum technologies for revolutionary approaches to computing and networking.

The QuSeC-TAQS program encourages activities with the potential to increase broader impacts of quantum sensors research, for example with educational and training activities, or collaborations and partnerships. Partnerships may include liaisons with industry, National Labs, other Federal Departments or Agencies, and/or international collaborators. In addition to intellectual merit, proposals will be judged on the broader impacts of activities including possible collaborations, partnerships, and training, as well as the potential for these activities to accelerate bringing quantum sensors to fruition.

Amount per Award: up to a total of $2,500,000 over project period
Duration of Award: 4 Years
Number of Awards: 10-12 awards expected


A minimum of one (1) PI and two (2) co-PIs must participate.

No individual may appear as Senior Personnel (Principal Investigator, Co-PI, and Faculty Associate or equivalent) on more than two QuSeC-TAQS preliminary proposals. The same limit applies to invited full proposals. In the event that any individual exceeds this limit, any proposal submitted to this solicitation with this individual listed as PI, co-PI, or Senior Personnel after the first two proposals are received at NSF will be returned without review. No exceptions will be made.

UW-Madison may submit up to two (2) preliminary proposals and up to two (2) invited full proposals as the lead institution contingent to the requirement the proposed projects are in substantially different research areas.


Internal Competition Application Instructions

Applications for Internal Review

To submit your application, attach a single PDF to an email to: grants@research.wisc.edu

Please include the following information:

  • Cover Sheet including PI name, contact information, and title of the project as well as names of Co-PIs and any additional team members
  • CV for PI and Co-PIs
  • 2 page summary of the Project Description based on the information contained in the solicitation

Sponsor Deadlines

Preliminary Proposal are due to NSF by December 16, 2022. Applications are due to NSF by April 03, 2023.


Contact grants@research.wisc.edu.