Community Care Corps 2020 | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Community Care Corps 2020

To:Chairs and Administrators; Departments in the Biological and Social Sciences; Associate Deans for Research; College/School Research Administrators
From:Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Education
Date:January 30, 2020
Subject:Community Care Corps 2020


Deadline for Internal Review:February 17, 2020

Project Description

The Community Care Corps is a new grant program that will fund local models designed to increase the number of volunteer programs available at the local level to provide non-medical care to older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers. Funds are also intended to be used to evaluate which local models work best so that ultimately a national volunteer care corps could be developed.  Funding for new programs and expansions of current programs will be considered.

The local model volunteer programs must:

  • Serve at least one of the three target populations (family caregivers; persons age 60 and older; adults with disabilities).

  • Be delivered in home or community-based (non-institutional) settings. 

  • Provided services in coordination with a family caregiver, if applicable.

  • Recruit and train volunteers who are age 18 and older and pass a required criminal background check. 

  • Do not provide medical, administrative or financial services. 

  • Report regularly to us on outputs and outcomes through the use of reporting instruments that we will provide.

  • Survey the recipients of the volunteer services using surveys we will provide.

Amount per Award: Between $30,000 and $250,000.
Duration of Award: Between 12 and 18 months (anticipated starting on or about July 1, 2020).

There is a 25% match requirement for grant funds that may be cash and/or in-kind.


A range of types of entities are encouraged to apply. Community Care Corps wants to fund local models that represent a diverse cross section of the nation reflective of geography, urban/rural/frontier and Tribal communities, underserved and limited English-speaking populations, communities with limited support programs, etc.

UW-Madison may submit 1 application.


Internal Competition Application Instructions

Applications for Internal Review

To submit your application, attach a single PDF to an email to:

Please include the following:

  • Cover Page including: Name and academic title of PI, contact information, and title of program project
  • CV
  • 2 page description of how your program meets the goals of the solicitation

Sponsor Deadlines

Applications are due to Community Care Corps by April 03, 2020.

