Press Releases
Four UW faculty recognized with Early Career Innovator Awards
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) has announced the recipients of the 2024 Early Career Innovator Award, which recognizes four UW–Madison early career faculty for engaging in technology transfer and commercialization activities and transforming their research discoveries into inventions for the public good. This year’s awardees are:…
UW–Madison alum and theoretical physicist named WIPAC director
Dan Hooper, PhD, has been selected as the new director of the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center (WIPAC). Hooper will begin his role at WIPAC on Sept. 9 and as director will report to the Vice Chancellor for Research. Hooper will have a joint faculty appointment with the…

Faculty receive 2024-25 WARF Named Professorships, Kellett Fellowships, and Romnes Awards
Thirty-two UW–Madison faculty have been awarded fellowships from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research for 2024-25. The awardees span the four research divisions on campus: arts and humanities, physical sciences, social sciences and biological sciences. “These awards recognize excellence in faculty research, academics, and outreach at various stages…
Steenbock professorships awarded in physical sciences and mathematics
Mark Eriksson, professor of physics, and Mikhail Feldman, professor of mathematics, have been named recipients of UW–Madison Steenbock Professorships. “This professorship is among the most prestigious and important professorships for researchers at the UW–Madison,” says Cynthia Czajkowski, interim vice chancellor for research. “This recognition is accompanied by discretionary…
Dr. Dorota A. Grejner-Brzezińska named next Vice Chancellor for Research
Grejner-Brzezińska, Vice President for Knowledge Enterprise, a longtime Ohio State University Engineering Professor, and GPS researcher, begins her UW role on Sept. 1.
175th Anniversary Series: UW–Madison research spans the globe
The Wisconsin Idea has outgrown state borders and, as science has become more mobile, now stretches across the globe and even out of this world.
UW–Madison boasts 3 researchers among 2023 National Association of Inventors fellows
The National Academy of Inventors has announced that University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers David Beebe, Guang-Hong Chen and Yoshihiro Kawaoka have been named to its 2023 class of fellows. Election as an academy fellow is the highest professional distinction awarded solely to inventors.
UW–Madison remains 8th in research ranking, surpasses $1.5 billion in research expenditures
The NSF has released its Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) data showing a 10% increase in research expenditures at UW–Madison over the previous fiscal year, or more than $143 million for the period covering July 2021 through the end of June 2022. UW–Madison reported more than $1.52 billion in total research expenditures, about half of which comes from federal awards.
Research Cores Initiative helps replace workhorses and enhance cores services across campus
Twelve projects, ranging from keyboard instruments and equipment needed to rescue and preserve deteriorating films to upgraded fluorescent microscopes for high resolution imaging of cells and their surfaces, have been chosen for funding through the second round of the Research Core Revitalization Program (RCRP). These projects were among 23 proposals…
Faculty receive WARF Named Professorships, Kellett Fellowships, and Romnes Awards
Thirty-two members of the University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty have been awarded fellowships from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education for 2022-23. The awardees span the four divisions on campus: arts and humanities, physical sciences, social sciences and biological sciences. “These awards provide an opportunity for campus to recognize our outstanding faculty,” says Steve Ackerman, vice chancellor for research and graduate education. “They highlight faculty efforts to support the research, teaching, outreach and public service missions of the university.”