Acquisition of nCounter MAX System for Multiplex In Situ Analysis of Nucleic Acids and Proteins | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Acquisition of nCounter MAX System for Multiplex In Situ Analysis of Nucleic Acids and Proteins


This project allows for the purchase of a two-instrument system, NanoString’s nCounter MAX for molecular profiling of nucleic acids and protein. This is the only system of this type on campus. Molecular profiling is used on campus in such areas as epilepsy research, kidney transplants, canine cancer, studies of Zika virus during pregnancy, and allergic diseases initiated in early childhood.

With these instruments, gene and protein expression can be measured from fresh tissue samples, formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue, plasma, serum, cell lysates and a variety of biofluids. Fully automated and easy-to-use, the nCounter MAX system provides everything an investigator needs to cost-effectively complete their projects in a timely fashion. It has expertly curated pre-formatted panels for human, mouse and other species with only 15 minutes of total hands-on preparation.


Andreas Friedl, professor of pathology and laboratory medicine


Karla Esbona, scientist III and core facility manager for the Translational Research

Initiatives in Pathology (TRIP) Laboratory


Kristina Matkowskyj, associate professor of pathology and core director for the Translational Research Initiatives in Pathology (TRIP) Laboratory


Translational Research Initiatives in Pathology (TRIP) Laboratory