Research Resources Reporter – Sept 4, 2018 | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Research Resources Reporter – Sept 4, 2018

TEAMLab Open House Fri Sept 7
Engineering Centers Bldg B1084 1:00 – 4:00 pmTEAMLab welcomes all UW – Madison College of Engineering faculty, staff, and students to visit our space, see what we offer and learn about our resources for courses, research, clubs, or other projects.
SSCC Classes
Check the Social Science Computing Cooperative schedule for Training Classes in Fall 2018, including Stata for Researchers, R for Researchers, Introduction to R, and Mplus Fundamentals.  Open classes begin from September 11 and through October.
Register for Core Manager Summit Wed Oct 17, 2018
Core and shared facility managers to gather at Tripp Hall, Memorial Union. The Office of Campus Research Cores invites UW–Madison research core and shared facility managers to a core manager summit to discuss common concerns and opportunities on Wednesday, October 17, from 9:00 am – 11:00 am (with additional networking time) at Tripp Hall in Memorial Union.  Please register by October 1.Summit Goals
The goals of the gathering are to: (1) provide a networking platform for core managers to meet one another and explore the diversity and commonalities of research services on campus; (2) discuss challenges and share solutions for areas of concern; (3) provide foundational ideas and an organization for a spring campus-outreach event.The program will include small-group discussions focused on topics – a tentative list is here but additional topics can be proposed during registration and at the event:  Setting Rates, marketing and Outreach, Reservations and Scheduling, Staff Professional Development, Managing Research Data, Working with External Customers, Starting and Ending Services.Please Register and be Represented
Every core or shared resource included in the Directory of Resources for Researchers website should be represented. The summit will be most relevant to managers and operational leads, although faculty directors, staff and supporters are welcome. Please register by October 1.Contact Isabelle Girard with questions or suggestions.  We look forward to seeing you at the event!
Research Core First Financials Workshop – WAIT LIST
Two-part hands-on class Oct 9 & 23, 2018 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am.Research core managers and leads are invited to register for the Research Cores First Financials Workshop, a two-part hands-on business basics class October 9 and October 23, 2018 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am in Grainger Hall.  The workshop is sponsored by the Office of Campus Research Cores and Auxiliary Operations Analysis (AOA).Workshop Goals
To provide the business managers of research cores and shared resources the knowledge, skills and tools to implement sustainable and compliant financial practices in core operations, with a focus on defining revenue sources to adequately offset expenses and exploring options for rate-setting in fee-for-service activities.Schedule
Part 1 Lecture: Tuesday October 9 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am in Grainger Hall 3325
Part 2 Lab: Tuesday, October 23 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am in Grainger Hall 2290
Attendance at both sessions is required. A homework assignment to gather expenses and explore rate-setting strategies will be assigned in Part 1 and due at Part 2 on Oct 23.Apply for the Wait List
The registration limit has been reached, but sign up for the wait list or for additional sessions to be scheduled.  Registrants must be core or shared facility managers or operational leads. The class will be of greatest benefit to cores or shared facilities supported (wholly or in part) by user or customer fees.Please contact Isabelle Girard with questions or suggestions.  We look forward to a collaborative workshop.
MidWest Core Directors Meeting in Cleveland Oct 24 – 26, 2018
Midwest Association of Core Directors (MWACD) 9th annual meetingCase Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, will host the 9th annual meeting of MWACD, a chapter of the Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities (ABRF) October 24, 25, and 26.  The program begins with free satellite workshops and core facility tours at Case Western and Cleveland Clinic, followed by programs in administrative, genomics, imaging, informatics and mass spectrometry tracks.  The meeting serves as an excellent opportunity to collaborate and consult with core staff at peer institutions including Northwestern University, The Ohio State University, Purdue University, University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University and others.Register and reserve hotel rooms before Sept 19 for best rates.
Shop@UW Account Changes Sept 1, 2018
New online tool with automated routing for MDSMDS has made improvements to the process to request new or edit existing Shop@UW accounts, also known as “MD Accounts”. These changes will improve internal controls and include a new online tool with automated routing to the required approvers. The changes are accompanied by policies and procedures effective Sept 1, 2018.  Additional information is available at
Importing and Exporting Materials Training Sept 28, 2018
Purchasing Services and partners provide training and guidance This training will be helpful for individuals who travel with UW assets, personnel involved in the import/export of materials, or researchers who work with export controlled information (deemed export).  Presented by Purchasing Services with participation by UW Legal, UW Export Control Officer, and Scarbrough International.
The next session is scheduled for Friday, Sept 28, from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm.  Register through the OHRD Catalog.
Zeiss Laser-Equipped Microscopes Safety Concern
Check if your microscope is affected by this laser safety issue.The attached notice from Zeiss documents a concern that the shutter may not completely close under conditions that the system indicates that it is “laser-safe,” with the risk that laser light can be reflected into the eyepieces or onto the sample.  Zeiss service technicians will apply corrective service free of charge for affected instruments.Please contact Bindu Timilsina, Assistant Radiation Officer with UW-Madison EH&S, with any questions or concerns.