NEH Summer Stipend 2019
To: | Chairs and Administrators, Departments in the Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences; Associate Deans for Research; College/School Research Administrators |
From: | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Education |
Date: | July 24, 2018 |
Subject: | NEH Summer Stipend 2019 |
Deadline for Internal Review: | September 12, 2018 |
Project Description
The internal competition for NEH summer stipends is a great opportunity for faculty seeking summer salary support. The UW-Madison has the opportunity to nominate up to two faculty to the national NEH summer stipend competition. The nominees are chosen by a subcommittee of the Research Committee. Anyone advanced to the national competition automatically receives 2/9ths summer salary support from the OVCRGE irrespective of whether or not they are successful in the national competition. Tenured faculty with distinguished publishing records are especially encouraged to apply.
Amount per Award: $6,000
Duration of Award: two consecutive months of research and writing. Two Ninths Summer Salary Support
Number of Awards: 77 Awards – last 5 years average
- Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.
- Eligible projects usually result in articles, monographs, books, digital materials and publications, archaeological site reports, translations, or editions. Projects must not result solely in the collection of data; instead they must also incorporate analysis and interpretation.
- Summer Stipends support projects at any stage of development.
- More on the program, as well as examples of successful proposals, may be found here:
UW–Madison may Nominate 2 Faculty.
The following link contains additional information on the program and specific application instructions:
Internal Competition Application Instructions
Applications for Internal Review
To submit your application, follow this link:
The proposal needs to be submitted to the internal UW competition by September 12, 2018. The review committee will provide feedback to successful nominees by September 19, 2018. Nominees are responsible for submitting their revised proposals to the NEH through by 5:00pm on September 26, 2018.
Please note that you need to register your proposal online with NEH by September 12, 2018.
Utilize the following link:
Utilize the following opportunity number: 20180926-FT
Applicants should format pages with one-inch margins and with a font size no smaller than eleven point. Single-spacing is permissible (and is the norm among successful applications). Include the following:
- Cover page
- Resume (not to exceed two single-spaced pages)
- Narrative (three single-spaced pages)
- Bibliography (one single-spaced pages
- Names and titles of two referees (do not include letters for the internal review committee)
- Submit your application for internal review at
Narrative section of the proposal
Applicants should provide an intellectual justification for their projects, conveying the ideas, objectives, methods, and work plan. The narrative should not assume specialized knowledge and should be free of technical terms and jargon.
Research and contribution
Provide an overview of the project, explaining the basic ideas, problems, or questions examined by the study. Explain how the project will complement, challenge, or expand relevant studies in the field. Describe the intellectual significance of the project to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.
Methodology and work plan
Describe your method(s) and clarify the part or stage of the project that will be supported by the Summer Stipend. Provide a work plan, describing what you will accomplish during the award period. Your work plan must be based on a full-time commitment to the project; part-time work is not allowed. If you do not anticipate finishing the entire project during the award period, discuss your plan for doing so. For book projects, explain how the final project will be organized. If possible, provide a brief chapter outline. For digital projects, describe the technologies that will be used and developed, and explain how the scholarship will be presented to benefit audiences in the humanities.
Competencies, skills, and access
Explain your competence in the area of your project. If the area of inquiry is new to you, explain your reasons for working in it and your qualifications to do so. Specify your level of competence in any language or digital technology needed for the study. Describe where the study will be conducted and what research materials will be used. If relevant, specify the arrangements for access to archives, collections, or institutions that contain the necessary resources.
Final product and dissemination
Describe the intended audience and the intended results of the project. If relevant, explain how the results will be disseminated and why these means are appropriate to the subject matter and audience.
Address questions to Lea Jacobs,
Sponsor Deadlines
Applications are due to NEH by September 26, 2018.