Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) 2017 Undergraduate Science Education Grant | Research | UW–Madison Skip to main content
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) 2017 Undergraduate Science Education Grant

To:Chairs and Administrators; Departments in the Biological & Physical Sciences; Associate Deans for Research; College/School Research Administrators
From:Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Education
Date:May 21, 2015
Subject:Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) 2017 Undergraduate Science Education Grant


Deadline for Internal Review:June 10, 2015

Project Description

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute announces a new competition for science education grants to colleges and universities. The goal of this initiative is to help institutions build their capacity to effectively engage all students in science throughout their undergraduate years, especially those who come to college via non-traditional pathways.
Through this initiative, HHMI will support colleges and universities that commit to measurably increase their infrastructure, resources, and expertise to involve undergraduate students in science, resulting in expanded access to excellence for all students. Our long-term aim is for successful strategies pioneered by the grantee institutions to serve as models to be adapted and adopted by other institutions.
Applicants are encouraged to consider how they can leverage current efforts to improve access to, engagement with, and achievement in science for students from nontraditional pathways. Importantly, applicants must also consider how they can increase their institution’s internal capacity to meet this objective in the long term

Amount per Award: $1 Million
Duration of Award: 5 Years
Number of Awards: 60 Awards


An eligible institution is limited to one pre-proposal in one of two categories:

  • Building Capacity Within the Institution is for colleges and universities that will use and evaluate strategies to build their own institutional capacities.
  • Helping Others Build Capacity is for those institutions that have already implemented sustainable strategies that have led to measurably expanded inclusion and success of all students in science and now wish to assist other institutions, which meet the eligibility requirements for this competition, to achieve similar outcomes.


Internal Competition Application Instructions

Applications for Internal Review

To submit your application for Internal Review in Fluid Review, please follow this link:

Attach PDF with:
• PI, Co-PIs Name title, and contact information
• Title of Proposal
• Biosketch
• Project Summary (4 pages max). Please include
(i) the context and rationale for the population of students on which the proposed activities will focus;
(ii) the anticipated changes in institutional capacity that will result from the grant;
(iii)  the people who will lead the project and their qualifications

Sponsor Deadlines

Applications are due to the sponsor by July 14, 2015.

